
What are The General Post-Operative Instructions Vasectomy Recovery

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure for permanent male sterilization. Today, the no-scalpel vasectomy is widely preferred by men because it is pain-free and has a shorter recovery time than the conventional vasectomy. It takes about 40 minutes or so to get over. The surgeon recommends the patient stay back for 30 minutes or so at the clinic before he is discharged to go home.

Vasectomy recovery – How long does it take?

When it comes to vasectomy recovery, the time generally takes some weeks. Men can resume very light activities or work on the same day itself. The surgeon generally gives the following guidelines for post-operative care after the surgery-

  • The medication prescribed should be taken for at least five days.
  • Scrotal support is given to the patient for 48 hours.
  • One can drive home alone after the procedure. However, it is advised to bring someone along as you might feel discomfort if you need to drive a long distance.
  • Patients are advised to complete rest, if possible, on the day of the vasectomy.
  • One can resume work fully after 48 hours.
  • One can resume cycling after one week.
  • The area of operation should be wiped dry and clean. It should be left undisturbed to ease the discomfort if any.
  • The bandage should be removed after three days.
  • One should continue a normal diet.
  • One should use extra contraception for three months or for 20 ejaculations (whichever is earlier.)
  • It is recommended to bring someone, preferably your spouse or partner, as a witness.

The surgeon will ask you to come back to the clinic after about three months for a check-up.

What are the complications of the vasectomy?

The no-scalpel vasectomy is a procedure that is not free from complications; however, they are much lesser than the conventional vasectomy.

One may experience any one of the following complications of the vasectomy procedure-

  • Pain that can be managed with the help of short-term pain killers.
  • Bleeding can be managed by hematoma, where the collection of blood is evacuated under the influence of local anesthesia.
  • Infections are managed with antibiotics, and there can be an occasional incision under local anesthesia to manage the drainage
  • The formation of sperm granuloma.
  • Feverwill be managed with antibiotics, and there can be an occasional incision to manage the drainage of the infection caused by fever under local anesthesia
  • Discomfort or pain in the scrotummight be mild or acute. It can be managed with long-term pain-killers or additional surgery in very rare cases.
  • The pain or discomfort might last for two to four weeks in some patients.
  • Pain might last for some months in very rare cases for some men.
  • There is a chance of the patient needing a reversal of the vasectomy procedure in case the pain lasts for several months without improvement. This again takes place in extremely rare cases.

Therefore, if you are considering the vasectomy procedure, you need to be aware of the above points relating to vasectomy recovery to make an informed choice with your spouse or partner. It is prudent for you to visit the doctor together to understand the procedure well without hassles at all.

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